Meeting documents

SSDC Area East Committee
Wednesday, 11th September, 2019 9.00 am

  • Meeting of Area East Committee, Wednesday 11th September 2019 9.00 am (Item 62.)


The Locality Manager presented his report to members. He explained that the report had been prepared with input from the Customer Focus Manager, the Commercial Property, Land and Development Manager and the Lead Democratic Services Specialist.


He explained to members that there were a number of considerations when considering the future working arrangements for Area East, such as having a customer access point in Wincanton and the requirement for an area to allow staff to work in Area East. He also explained that a new venue for holding the Area East Committee meetings would need to be identified.


He advised members that a decision had been made to dispose of the Churchfields building and offices. He added that the nursery had moved out of the building and that the police would be moving out of the building in the near future. As the building will be unoccupied from this point it will be inappropriate for SSDC staff to use the building due to lone working issues.


He informed members that the Balsam Centre had been able to offer some space to accommodate a customer access point. He also explained that some support could be given to customers when accessing council services and that office space for SSDC staff to use would also be considered.


He added that discussions over the future location of the Area East Committee meeting were still being considered, advising that the Memorial Hall in Wincanton was an option which was being considered.


He suggested that a further report will be prepared and could be considered by the committee in November. The Chairman requested that the report return for consideration in October if possible.


During the discussion, some members felt that it would be useful to hold the committee meeting in the same venue each month. Members also pointed out that accessibility and parking provisions were an important consideration.


Another member suggested that the Wincanton Town Council building should be considered, however it was pointed out that the meeting room was on the first floor and that parking and accessibility was a concern. 


The Locality Manager explained that accessibility and the availability of a hearing loop were important considerations. He confirmed that the Town Council building would be considered along with other venues in Area East.


Another member explained that the perceived accessibility of a venue was important and that car parking and access to the venue was important.   


In response to a question from a member, the Locality Officer explained that the use of different venues for each month had not been considered due to the cost implications. He explained that the meetings would meet each month in the same location. He also confirmed that he would include details of the proposed costs for any possible venues in the next report to the Committee.


During the discussion, members agreed that it would not be appropriate to use different venues for holding Area East Committee meetings and that the use of one venue would the preferred option.


Members also agreed that they would like the meeting room at Carrington Way and the Wincanton Town Hall meeting room to be considered as options for the meeting venue as well as the Area East hub.


Members also confirmed that they would wish for the start time of the meeting to remain at 9am.


RESOLVED:   that members agreed to note the reported and noted that a further report would be provided to members in October or November to present the options for Area East working and possible locations of Area East Committee meetings.

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